Barton Online provides you the opportunity to complete an Associate Degree online or a variety of Certificate Programs. Courses taken at other colleges and universities, plus any military and/or work experience, may be applied towards degree completion requirements at Barton. A minimum of 15 credit hours are required from Barton for degree completion. No matter what educational and career goals you have, Barton can help you to achieve them.
Take charge of your class schedule! Barton Online offers a learning platform that puts you in charge of scheduling. Classes are scheduled in weekly blocks; you determine the time of day and the days of the week that you will attend class to complete the required course work by the weekly due dates put forth by the instructor.
Barton Online offers courses in five time frames: 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 16 weeks, a 12 week extended summer session, and a four-week intersession in the Fall and Spring. These courses are available to anyone who wishes to enroll, regardless of their geographic location.
Visit the Barton Online website for more details.