There are several degree options available at the Barton Fort Riley Campus. See below for brief descriptions of each degree.
Associate in Arts
The Associate in Arts Degree prepares you for transfer to universities with advanced standing. The courses are comparable to lower division level courses at Kansas Regents colleges and universities. Prior to the beginning of the third semester, candidates for the Associate in Arts Degree must designate a specific program of courses approved by the appropriate instructional area and signed by the advisor. View the full general education requirements for an Associate in Arts degree.
Associate in Applied Science
The Associate in Applied Science Degree prepares you for entry into a career. The coursework is relevant to the real world, promoting employability traits that range from job-related technical skills to workplace ethics and soft skills. The program of study consists primarily of career technical education classes but may also include transfer classes. Prior to the beginning of the third semester, candidates for the Associate in Applied Science Degree must designate a specific program of courses approved by the appropriate instructional area and signed by the advisor. View the full general education requirements for an Associate in Applied Science degree.
Business Management and Leadership
The Associate of Applied Science in Business Management prepares students for entry-level or lower level management positions. Today’s managers must have a blend of management and leadership skills and the course provides students with general broad-base knowledge of business concepts. The program is great for current employees in the workforce to refine their skills. Coursework includes management, ethics, leadership, customer service, human relations, principles of management, Spanish for the workforce, marketing, and computer concepts courses. View the full general education requirements for Business Management and Leadership degree.
Associate in General Studies
The Associate in General Studies Degree provides you the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and greater philosophical appreciation for lifelong learning. Prior to the beginning of the third semester, candidates for the Associate in General Studies Degree must designate a specific program of courses approved by the appropriate instructional area and signed by the advisor. View the full general education requirements for an Associate in General Studies degree.
Military Studies
The AGS of Military Studies is designed to enhance the professional competence of Active Duty, Reserve Component, and National Guard service members. Completion of the degree will provide service members the education points needed for promotion and will establish the foundation for advancement toward a baccalaureate degree. The curriculum builds upon the basic general education requirements and provides focused instructions in the following areas: Leadership and Management, Military History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, and Computer Science. View the full general education requirements for Military Studies degree.
Associate in Science
The Associate in Science Degree prepares you for transfer to universities with advanced standing. The courses are comparable to lower division level courses at Kansas Regents colleges and universities. Prior to the beginning of the third semester, candidates for the Associate in Science Degree must designate a specific program of courses approved by the appropriate instructional area and signed by the advisor. View the full general education requirements for an Associate in Science degree.