Barton Community College Fort Riley Campus
Bldg. 211 Custer Avenue
P.O. Box 2463
Fort Riley, KS 66442
Phone: (785) 784-6606
Toll Free: (877) 620-6606
Fax: (785) 784-7542
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m – 4 p.m.
Fort Riley Student Support
(785) 784-6606
Tutor Center
(866) 781-4302
(785) 240-3617
(785) 784-6606, ext. 763
Financial Aid
(866) 454-2870
Barton Financial Aid webpage
Veteran Services
Fort Riley, Fort Leavenworth and Surrounding Communities
Jenny Payne
School Certifying Official
(785) 784-6606, ext. 713
Barton County, Surrounding Communities and Out-of-State
Nicole Berger, VA Certifying Official
(620) 792-9363
Located in the Learning Resource Center on the Great Bend Campus in room L-134.
Advisement Services
If the first letter of your last name starts with A-L, contact Emily Harper at harpere@bartonccc.edu or (785) 784-6606, ext. 706.
If the first letter of your last name starts with M-Z, contact Jenny Payne at paynej@bartonccc.edu or (785) 784-6606, ext. 713
Related Links
Barton Online
(785) 784-6606, ext. 720
EMT/MICT Programs
(866) 452-1108
(785) 238-8550
Barton OSHA
(855) 509-3376
Military Training
(785) 239-9769