Become a Barton Cougar!
Please visit the Barton Admissions webpage for full details and steps towards becoming a Cougar! Ready to apply? Fill out the Admissions Application.
For more information about our campus, contact us at (785) 784-6606 or fortriley@bartonccc.edu.
Get Started Today
For prospective students who want to enroll in courses at Barton Fort Riley Campus, there is no application fee or acceptance policy, but students are required to complete the general Barton Admissions Application.
All degree/certificate seeking students must have official post-graduation transcripts (High school, home school, or proof of GED) from each institution attended sent by the granting institution directly to Barton or by the student walking in a sealed/never opened copy. Home school credit evaluations may be submitted in lieu of a transcript or diploma from the school administrator.
Students entering college for the first time, pursuing a certificate or degree, or enrolling in a class requiring test scores must have ACT, SAT, Accuplacer or ASSET scores. These scores are used for placement in English and Math courses. Students without test scores may submit or take the Accuplacer test. Barton’s assessment is free of charge. Contact the Fort Riley Campus Tutor Center at (785) 784-6606, ext. 763, or (866) 781-4302 for further information about placement testing.
Students seeking accommodations under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act can contact Disability Services at (855) 509-3367 or disabilityservices@bartonccc.edu.